In Jun 2018, emergency drill at Weihei Poongguk
Writer :  admin Date : 2018-06-22 Hit : 158

1. Date: Nov 1, 2014 (08 am to 08:30 am)


2. Purpose: The purpose is to raise awareness about fire while minimizing damage to people by taking appropriate responses in the event of a disaster, through training experiences for employees' behavior and handling in the event of an emergency.


3. Contents: evacuation training, fire extinguisher training, fire alarm operation status

 4. Others:
   During the emergency training in the second quarter, the dormitory evacuation training was scheduled, but due to the schedule of the Fire Department, it was not possible to proceed.
  (On Jun 21, 2017, dormitory evacuation training was conducted in cooperation with the Fire Department)

(total:133 / page:8/14 )
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