Sewon Electronics is a company that pursues a world best company in the manufacturing of wiring harnesses.

Sewon Electronics CI (Corporate Identity)
Meaning of the symbol mark

Sewon Electronics' logo symbolizes the tradition and credibility of Sewon Electronics; internal and external connectivity, and a reputation for high quality orientation. The symbol of the logo was inspired by two elements. First, the stable geometric shape of the square symbolizing 'production-technology-craft' means 'credibility', and second, the visual structure in the form of electronic circuit board emphasizes 'connectivity', instilling vitality and dynamism into Sewon Electronics' identity and reflecting its expansion in the global market.

Meaning of the symbol mark
  • C 0
  • M 23
  • Y 100
  • K 0
Sewon Electronics' confidence and constant challenge to obtain new ideas
  • C 0
  • M 0
  • Y 0
  • K 1000
Modernity and development