In Apr 2018, emergency drill at Pyeongtaek Plant
Writer :  admin Date : 2018-04-23 Hit : 235

1. Training name: Pyeongtaek factory emergency evacuation and fire fighting drill
                (April 20, 14:30 ~ 15:00)


2. Purpose
  1). Based on the virtual fire of the Pyeongtaek plant, it was discovered for the first time.
  →. Regarding the fire extinguisher, from connecting the fire hydrant to the place of the fire and repeating the initial fire fighting activity
  2). In case of emergency, safe evacuation method and proper fire extinguisher, training on how to use fire hydrant
  ◆. This training was based on the Pyeongtaek Factory Emergency Preparedness Manual.


  3. Training target: All employees of the Pyeongtaek factory



(total:133 / page:8/14 )
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