In Jun 2013, emergency drill at Dezhou Panita
Writer :  admin Date : 2013-06-20 Hit : 326

1. Purpose: To prevent large-scale fires and minimize damage to people and property through

 improving firefighting ability and knowledge of how to act through a drill that simulates the actual situation of the fire.

2. Date and Time: Jun 8, 2013 (Sat) 10 am to 10:30 am (30 minutes)


3. Photos





(total:133 / page:14/14 )
No. Subject Writer Date Hit
3  In Jun 2013, emergency drill at Dezhou Panita admin 2013-06-20 326
2  In Jun 2013, emergency drill at Gyeongsan Plant admin 2013-06-20 268
1  In Sep, 2012, emergency drill at Gyeongsan Plant admin 2012-10-23 325
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